Contemporary art gallery "Elektrownia"
The official website of the contemporary art gallery "Elektrownia" made by our agency. The site is characterized by modern responsive design, so it can be used on mobile devices. Easy to use CMS allows the customer comfortable making changes on this page.
Used technologies:
HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Responsive Web Design, MySQL, CMS

Advertising agency "MiniModels"
"MiniModels" is the leading photographic advertising agency for children and youth. Our target was to prepare a website showing in clearly way small models and the company's offer. Responsive design ensures the availability of the site at a high level while maintaining an attractive appearance for your PC, tablet and smartphone.
Used technologies:
HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Responsive Web Design, MySQL, CMS

Models agency "Damart"
Used technologies:
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, MySQL, CMS

Furniture on-line shop "WoodYou"
Used technologies:
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, MySQL, CMS, VirtueMart

A. Gaudy - personal trainer
Used technologies:
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, MySQL, CMS

"Elektryzujace Jaworzno"
Used technologies:
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, MySQL, CMS

Thermal modernization
Used technologies:
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, MySQL, CMS

Mini donuts manufacturer
Used technologies:
HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Responsive Web Design, MySQL, CMS